

Business partners are an important element of success

We believe that partnerships and collaborations are critical to solving the challenges of development.

Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co. Ltd.

Hikvision is committed to serving various industries through its cutting-edge technologies of machine perception, artificial intelligence, and big data, leading the future of AIoT: through comprehensive machine perception technologies, we aim to help people better connect with the world around them; with a wealth of intelligent products, we strive to identify and satisfy diverse demands by delivering intelligence at your fingertips; through innovative AIoT applications, we are dedicated to empowering every individual to enjoy a better future by building an intelligent world that is more convenient, efficient and secure.

Zhejiang Uniview Technologies

With 16 years of unlimited exploration, Uniview evolves from video technology to AIoT, taking Big data, Cloud and IoT technology as the core: the video technology product lines include IP cameras, NVR, Encoder, Decoder, Storage, Client Software and app, the AIoT ranges from display, intelligent access control to smart office and smart home. With the pragmatic attitude and continuous innovation, from 2011 to 2021, Uniview achieved 20 times revenue growth, from 300 million to 6.07 billion.

Shenzhen Zhentong Electronics Co., Ltd.

Integrated group enterprise concentrating on providing professional security engineering solutions. It has built two well-known brands “GENATA” and “ITOONER”successively in domestic and overseas. After many years of technological innovation and deep marketing, It has grown rapidly and set up a R&D team with more than 100 specialists.

HiLook by Hikvision

HiLook (formerly HiWatch) is the name for a new series of affordable yet professional quality CCTV products from the worlds leading CCTV manufacturer Hikvision.

HiLook products inherit many advanced features from the Hikvision professional range of CCTV products including powerful infrared, excellent low light performance, advanced compression technology and motion detection. The HiLook series of CCTV cameras and recorders is available in both analogue TVI technology and IP network technology.



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