About us

About us

A Leading company in the Egyptian market in the field of integrated security solutions.

The primary focus is on designing, installing, maintaining, and monitoring various security systems and fire protection systems to ensure the safety and protection of individuals, properties, and assets.
We are the national distributor of hikvision, unv, genata, hilook brand in egypt with regional leader in all phases of physical and electronic security.
Praesent feugiat sem.
A wonderful serenity.
Premium services for you.
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8 Years of Experience

Our core values

Our Core Values have shaped our corporate culture since the very beginning and they are still relevant today.

Together with our corporate strategy, they act as our guiding light, our daily benchmark, ensuring we speak and act consistently across our business at all times.


Being the largest firm and establishing ourselves as clearly the best in our industry means developing ideas and putting them into practice successfully.


Be good at building deep and mutual understanding through effective communication with our colleagues, so that to work jointly and win new progress.


At our Company we learn by continuously developing-and deepening-our knowledge of our business, and the skills of everyone within it.


Being alert to change and moving quickly and decisively to meet the challenges that emerge from such change.


Every member of our team will contribute their individual his talent in a coordinated effort.


We care about building productive, long-term relationships with clients and each other.
Like What We Offer


We not only offers their clients the latest technological solutions, but we offer factory trained, certified, and licensed staff to provide the best in installation, maintenance, service, and support.
Our Mission Our Vision
Developing integrated security solutions which secure all sectors Support continuity.
Exceed our customer’s expectations by utilizing leading edge technologies to deliver world-class products, backed by unparalleled customer service and to be the market leader in the design, supply, implementation, technical support & maintenance of intelligent systems for tomorrow’s building needs.
We are seeking to make the company a pioneer in the integrated security solutions work.
Save the best choices and means to our customers and that's through improving and encouraging the innovations between the teamwork members from one side and between the teamwork and the customers from another side.

Customized services and solutions, We are all empowered to find the best solution for your needs.

We offer turn-key infrastructure solutions using the latest technology backed up by our certified engineers to support your dynamic environment.
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1 +
years in business



At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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